We help pupils strive for excellence by focusing on their unique talents and developing passions. We ensure that our ethos of Confidence for life, Respect for all is ingrained in the daily academic lives of all our pupils.
Within our nurturing school environment, pupils in Years 7-9 develop the skills required to set them on the road to successful independent learning in the future.
Here are some of the highlights they experience across these exciting, formative school years…
View Our Years 7 to 9 Prospectus
Year 7 & 8
“In Year 7 and 8 our passionate, exceptional teaching staff bring subjects to life through trips, clubs, competitions, and experiences.
“As an example, those who develop a passion for Science can join our Junior Science Club and attend the Salters Chemistry Festival.
“All aspects of English are explored through both our internal competitions such as the Gough Prize for Verse and our external competitions such as Foyle Young Poet of the Year.
Recently, some of our students have been published in the Young Writers Poetry Anthology "Empowered".
“Pupils with a flair for Mathematics may wish to take part in the National Junior Maths Challenge.
“Languages are brought to life through weekly movies such as 'Les Choristes' - we even watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in French which was great fun!
“In the Summer term pupils are given the opportunity to go to Chateau Baffy in Normandy but we also take full advantage of our location, regularly visiting local cultural venues such as Seven Stories (the National Centre for Children's Books), Sage Gateshead and the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art.
“Our extensive list of clubs should demonstrate that there is something to entice every pupil.
“Here’s just a taste at what is on offer: 'World Wise' Club, Junior Debating Club, Programming and Robotics Club, Animation Club, Knitting Club, Design Hub And Art Club, Junior Drama club, Film club, Music Theatre group, Pop Band, Junior Choir and Orchestra (Grade 5+)”
Mr M. Burke, Head of Lower School (Year 7 and 8), Head of Biology at Durham School
Year 9
“In Year 9, our students are provided with the opportunity to develop the key skills required for their GCSE years, whilst retaining the focus on inspiring a love for learning.
“Outside of the core subjects on our curriculum, our students can choose an additional four subjects from an exciting and challenging array of academic options. This allows our learners to really play to their own strengths.
“All departments run regular trips, organise subject specific experiences and competitions for our Year 9 pupils.
Currently, we run a 98 in 9 challenge where we invite Year 9 pupils to take on 98 notable challenges across the year. The number 98 comes from the 98 memorial steps up to Chapel representing the 98 ODs who fell in World War 1.
“From speaking in Chapel and representing Durham School in a sports team to finessing their domestic skills by preparing a meal for their family at home - our students really give this challenge their all.”
Mr Andrew Smith, Head of Year 9, Head of Physics at Durham School
For a copy of the booklet outlining the Year 7 to Year 9 curriculum, please email [email protected].